

Phonetic spelling: /ˈfaː.tˤi.mah/

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Related Names & Variations Across Languages

  • Albanian: Fatime
  • Azerbaijani: Fatimə, Fatma
  • Bengali: Fatema
  • Bosnian: Fatima
  • Dhivehi: Fathimath
  • Eastern African: Fatuma
  • Hausa: Faɗimatu
  • Indian (Muslim): Fathima
  • Indonesian: Fatimah
  • Kurdish: Fatma
  • Malay: Fatimah
  • Malayalam: Fathima
  • Persian: Fatemeh
  • Sinhalese: Fathima
  • Somali: Fadumo
  • Turkish: Fatma, Fadime, Fatoş
  • Urdu: Fatima
  • Uyghur: Patime
  • Western African: Fatimata, Fatimatou, Fatoumata, Fatou

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